14 Highly Effective Stress Relieving Strategies

strategies for stress relieving

From minor difficulties to big crises, stress becomes part of life further becoming a lifestyle. And while you can’t often control your circumstances, you can manage how you respond to them thus helping your self in stress relieving. When stress turns chronic, it can take a toll on your well-being. That’s why it’s important to […]

Healthy Eating Habits Tips and Tricks

These words haunted me – you need to eat well and make sure you have healthy eating habits.  A well known nutritionist  was talking about healthy eating habits on her Instagram live session. Eating habits and that too healthy , like seriously i said to myself. Out of everything in my life I have to […]

Mindful living- 7 tips to live mindfully in 2022

Mindful living really!  I just brushed it off and started cutting vegetables for my favourite salad. A week later this advertisement popped up again, where this lady was talking about mindful living on the television. This is when  I noticed something strange and I was startled by this new realisation. I was craving to eat […]

Holistic lifestyle A Beautiful Life-changing Journey

holistic lifestyle, mindfulness, holistic living , clean eating, healthy living

Holistic lifestyle is a journey. Now you must be wondering where the hell have you landed on another website talking about Holistic lifestyle and telling you how to live and how to be mindful .   Ahhh! I have tried everything and nothing works. People just write things for the sake of it .  All […]

How and why to reduce screen time

reduce screentime, how to reduce screen time , benifits of reducing screen time

Remember earlier everyone would say too much television is not good for us, so we should reduce the screen time and look at us now all we do is stay glued to the screen. One way or the other we keep staring at the screen may it be the tv or the phone or our […]

The amazing benefits of clean eating

benefits of clean eating

You know the benefits of clean eating are mind blowing, said one of my friends when I was discussing a health concern of mine . Clean eating!Now what is that, I hardly have time to cook for myself and often search for go to options and now this new concept. Also how can being on […]